Pragmatic Solutions


Platform provider to the iGaming and Betting Industry,

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Set RG Cool Off Period

Get Player KYC level

Get Deposit Summary UNIX

This request retrieves deposit summary of the specified Player. Summary consists of details such as successful deposit count and amount during the given timeframe and lifetime successful deposit count and amount, as well as FTD information.

Get Complete Player Details

Full player profile including player category

Player has Bonus Eligible

Check if Player is eligible for the specified BonusID

Player Has Tag

Delete Player Tag

Get RG Closed Details

Returns if player is RG closed, true or false

Get Player Bonus Stats

Get new Token connectionID

Get Session Limits For ECRId

This request is used to retrieve the configured session limits for the selected player.

Get Player Net Deposits UNIX

This request retrieves net deposit summary, as well as deposit and cashout summary, for the specified player and duration. If the start date and end date are not passed then it retrieves lifetime deposit summary of the Player.

Get Player Total Bet/Loss/Win Amount

Set RG Closed

Player Has Segment

Add a Player Tag

This request adds a new tag for the specified player.

Get new Token

Check Email Exist

Get Vendor Loss Limits For ECRId

This request retrieves the configured daily, weekly, monthly, annual, and lifetime loss limits history of the player.

Get NationalId Matched Users

Block Games (Casino) for user

Blocks all Casino gameplay for selected user

Get Net Deposit Limits

This request retrieves existing net deposit limits for the specified player

Delete Player Tag - BULK

Assign Bonus

This request offers a special bonus to the specified player.

Get Player KYC Details

Get Reality Session Limits For ECRId

This request retrieves the configured Game-session limits of the selected player.

Set User Wager Limits

This request is used to configure the RG deposit limits of a player

Set User Reality Session Limits

This request is used to configure reality session limit for the selected player.

Set User Loss Limits

This request is used to configure the RG loss limits of a player

Get Player Bonus Summary

This request retrieves a list of Bonus Summary for the specified player.

Assign Bonus with comment

Get Player Instruments

Get Player Wallet

Set User Session Limits

This request is used to configure session limits for the selected player.

Add Account Note

Adds a comment/note on the player account

Get new Token crossbrand

Get Player Net Deposits

This request retrieves net deposit summary, as well as deposit and cashout summary, for the specified player and duration. If the start date and end date are not passed then it retrieves lifetime deposit summary of the Player.

Get Vendor Wager Limits For ECRId

This method is used to retrieve the active wager limits of a player (daily, weekly, monthly, annual, and lifetime).

Get Player Game Play

Get Player Segments

Get RG Cooloff Period

This request gets the period and details set for a player Cool-off

Get all active tags on brand

This request retrieves active tags with list of tags and color

Update Player Profile - Timezone

An updateUserProfile request is used to update the player’s profile information.

Get user deposits

This request retrieves a list of deposits for the specified player. This list consists of deposits made by the player and their status.

Get Deposit Summary

This request retrieves deposit summary of the specified Player. Summary consists of details such as successful deposit count and amount during the given timeframe and lifetime successful deposit count and amount, as well as FTD information.

Get Player Bonus History

Get Player Transaction Summary

Get RG Deposit Limits

This request retrieves existing RG deposit limits for the specified player

Get Player Linked Accounts

This request retrieves a list of linked accounts for the specified player.

Get Player Last Played Game

Get Player Cashouts

Get Pending Cashouts

Get Player Tags

Update Player Category

This request updates the player category for the specified player. The player categories are play_user, real_user, rg_cool_off, closed, suspended, and fraud.

Get Player Subscriptions

Get Player Game Play - UNIX

Set Net Deposit Limits

This request sets the net deposit limits for the specified player

Get Player Profile

Get Player Total Bet/Loss/Win Amount - UNIX

Get Player Eligible Bonuses

This request retrieves a list of eligible bonuses for the specified player. Based upon the value of criteria type parameter as LOGIN, this API retrieves all eligible bonuses.

Update Player Profile - Language

An updateUserProfile request is used to update the player’s profile information.