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Flow of the week:

Flow of the week – Enhance your CRM with Flows


Speaking to anyone in a CRM team you often hear that it’s “like riding a bike – except the bike is on fire”, with constant new features and promotions to try to keep up with while managing a backlog and ensuring KPI targets are met. Well, how about automating those pesky time-consuming manual promotions like cashback and loyalty bonuses? Or, Build your own cash drops and promotions with automated bonusing and messaging? And all without a single line of code and fully integrated with your CRM platform! Flows can supercharge your CRM team to prevent the fires and give them more time to focus on innovation! And, what’s more With Flows open world marketplace you will have access to premium CRM platforms such as Symplify, Optimove, Sendgrid, Mailgun and others in minutes!

What about the data aspect we hear you ask? Well if you are missing some crucial data needed to run your CRM campaign you can simply build data Flows to update your CRM with real-time data on demand. If you are looking to run a special hyperpersonalised campaign and automate the emails, sms or push, you can also build your campaign using Flows and simply use the marketplace to select your CRM of choice for the messaging.

In this weeks Flow of the Week we show you a simple level up loyalty Flow with a triggered loyalty journey within Symplify  – just install the app, add your connection and start triggering!

So, How do you Flow it? 

Trigger, save and query data

This weeks Flow of the week is a simple loyalty level Flow. So on every X in bets – the player levels up. To do this, we must trigger our flow on every game spin to store the player bets, query the stored total and once the bets have reached X in value – we continue our flow.

How do Flows connect to CRM?

Once the player has reached the set level in the bet amount, we fetch the previous level, save the new level and easily add a trigger to your chosen CRM platform. Here we show our new App – Symplify. With this app you can trigger a Journey as well as update real-time player attributes data to use in your communications. So you can trigger email, sms and push in real-time as the player levels up, with their new Loyalty level and any data attribute you want to use. And, if you want to add a bonus as well, it’s all doable and fully automated!

Once the CRM is triggered – use Flows to reset the bet amount for the new level and the Flow will keep looping for every new level.

Have you heard about our App marketplace?

Not using Symplify as your CRM? Well with Flows App Marketplace you can install any platform you’re using – such as Optimove, Sendgrid, Mailgun etc. And if your CRM of choice is missing, just let us know and we’ll build the app for you! So your team does not need to touch a single line of code – instead they will be supercharged in minutes to build amazing features and campaigns. Just Flow it!

If you want to find out more about how flows can help you to accelerate delivery and supercharge your innovation, get in touch 


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